Sunday, October 3, 2010

Day Nine

Mileage: 30.6 miles
Total: 468.3 miles

Back in the saddle again! After a great rest day and party night for Kelly's birthday I was antsy to get back pedaling again. It was also nice to have company as I left the city. Kelly will now be accompanying me to Santa Barbara and Adele and Kendra joined us on our ride to Half Moon Bay. Thanks to John for being the support car so Adele and Kendra could join us. Camping at Half Moon bay has been something I have wanted to do for over 8 years. Many summers ago Meg and I drove over to check it out, back when she was still living in the bay area. We noticed that the hiker/biker sites were located practically on the beach. I am now happy to report that the campground is as awesome as I remembered it.

Thanks again to everyone who came out to San Francisco this weekend! Its always great to play with good friends.
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  1. I swear I smelled burning marshmallows on my (little) bike ride today. Maybe my subconscious was joining you on our longed for Halfmoon Bay camping trip?

    Doesn't that campground have wireless internet too? Crazy Silicon Valley campers...

  2. That was a fun ride! Have fun the rest of the week and I'll see you next weekend.
